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Deposits & Payments
A 50% deposit is required on all charters, with the balance due 30 days prior to boarding dates, in all foreign countries.

The charter rates reflected on our website reflect cash or check payments for charters. Credit cards, (VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER AND AMERICAN EXPRESS) are accepted for charters but will add a 4% processing fee.

Refunds & Cancellations
Deposits are not refundable, unless:

  1. Cancellation is received 75 days or more, prior to boarding date on all trips up to 10-day duration, and 180 days on all trips more than 10 days duration. Deposit refunds are subject to a 10% administrative fee.
  2. If charter group or individual do not appear on the date and time specified, or cancel with in the above limitations, all monies will be fortified.
  3. In the event that the captain, or port authority, cancels the trip due to inclement weather, prior to departure or fishing, all monies will be refunded. Should the captain cancel the trip after departure, or fishing, a pro-rate refund will be provided, based on an hourly rate, and the length or the trip.
  4. In the event of mechanical malfunction, prior to departure or fishing, all monies will be refunded. Should the captain cancel the trip after departure, or fishing due to mechanical malfunction a pro-rata refund will be provided, based on an hourly rate, and the length or the trip.
  5. Itinerary Changes are subject to an additional charge of $20.00

Notice is herby given that each of the companies, corporations, or persons participating in this offer is providing services which are normally provided in the performance of its business, and assumes no responsibility of any nature whatsoever, for services, or damages, or injuries to persons or properties, arising out of or resulting from services provided by one or more, of the other companies, corporations, or persons providing services, hereunder.

In the event it becomes necessary or advisable for the safety and comfort of the charter, or individuals, or for any reason whatsoever to terminate, amend, and/or cancel confirmed reservations for any periods, corporation thereof, due to strikes, national emergencies, or similar situations normally referred to as Acts of God, or any situation which is believed to be in the best interest of the client of Cortez yacht Charters, such action will be taken without penalty to Cortez Yacht Charters, companies, corporations or persons, participating in this operation.