Plan The Best Fishing Trip

Things to consider before making our fishing trip

More and more people are willing to pay for a fishing trip, animated by articles and documentaries published in the media. But certain things must be taken into account, and that is that neither fishing is easy everywhere, nor fishing in abundance should be the main reason for the journey. Traveling involves meeting people, other cultures, other landscapes and environments, and this must be our main objective, to enjoy something different from our day today. If we are really sick of fishing and not fishing too much and too big would be a failure. We would have to consider very well whether to take a fishing trip, especially if it is on our account, having to go to specialized companies to try to ensure the results as much as possible, being willing to spend a lot of money.

Search internet travel

The truth is that today there are no places in the world where we cannot organize our fishing trip thanks to the internet. This has opened the door to overcrowding, of course, and hardly are particular places where fishing pressure is minimal. In addition to that exclusivity is usually assumed remoteness and extremely high prices, and passed to the force by agencies or companies that manage fishing in the reserves.

Otherwise, it’s as simple as seeing where the companies were interested in the fly to or just choosing a country to look for. Organizing fishing trips on our own takes time, much more than it seems, at least if we want to have everything well studied and make it more or less cheap, but this is also part of the fishing trip as well as the collection of materials and preparation of the trip.

Another important thing that we will observe during our process of searching for information is that the website of the Ministry of foreign affairs in which recommendations are given to travelers is usually extremely alarmist. So, it is advisable to take the advice into account, but not to take them to the letter, it is advisable to attend travel forums that will convey a more real image of the country in question.

Climates and epochs

Time in fishing is one of the most important factors that we must take into account. First of all, take a look at the weather and climate web where we can find the historical climate of virtually any city in the world.

A visit to the city closest to our dream destination, to see in recent years the temperatures, rainfall and wind speed on the dates of the tour, will be decisive. Usually, in the most tourist destinations, The Times of lousy weather of people are classified as low season, being able to get sometimes good discounts.

Although we have to take climatic risks that can destroy our fishing charter, and in non-tourist sites, there will be no low season. Tropical destinations will have a dry season and a rainy season, temperate destinations will have a cold season, a warm season and two half-time, while destinations closest to the Poles will only have a brief period in which the temperature will be warmer, with the sun both night and day with the rest of the year in too inhospitable conditions.

Species to fish

There will be resident species, fishing records all year round, and there will be short ones, which will probably move depending on the temperature of the water, which can also make us choose one date or another for the trip. This information can be more challenging to find, and you should research websites and blogs that help you, being more recommended the natives of the place. We must establish a ranking of species to fish, depending on the time, probability of occurrence, and desire to cross it off the list, this will be beneficial when selecting the fishing equipment.

Fishing materials

It’s another pillar of the journey. There are fishing charters in which the fishing material is provided, although it is normal that we are quite manic and prefer to fish with our equipment, something that will be taken essentially if we go fishing without a guide. This is going to mean that we have to carry extra materials, which in many cases can be very heavy and will be very limited. The usual thing will be to have 30 to 35 kilos per person if we do not have to pass by small planes, in which case we will move in half, although sometimes this is solved by paying extra money.

We also have to get health insurance, prepare visas and the currency of the country we want to go, with all this we have to spend a few days of fishing with good rewards. Here are some recommendations and tips to keep in mind before going fishing to inhospitable places looking for our desired species.

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